Andrejs Ratkevičs
Sculpture / MA
Sun worshipers Saules pielūdzēji
- Technique: Steel,Polyester resin,fiberglass, paint, gold leaf
- Size: 416x240x100 cm
- Tutor: Gļebs Panteļejevs
Environmental object Sun Worshiper is a sculptural artwork about belief.Dimploma work is about humans who during all their life truly believe in what they are doing, but still are in doubts about it. Also this artwork is about what is belief itself. Doubts and belief impact on each other, they influence on our decisions.
During working process the author was making research on religion, psychoanalysis and analysis of his own daily life. Both aspects, negative and positive were taken in consideration while working.
This Diploma work is sculpture of a stylized human figure made of steel.